Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Why I love living in Latveria

First off, life here in Doomstadt is great! Necessarily! I know we get a lot of bad press abroad but you can't believe everything you see in the news. Latveria is a beautiful country with majestic mountains, rolling hills, crystal clear lakes, and (only rarely) robot death squads in the occasional alleyway.

You probably cringed when you read that but it's not all that bad, actually. You have to look at the up side of having robot death squads (RDSes, we call them!) patrolling the cities and listening in on every whispered conversation... and trust me, there is an up side. We're all told so by our beloved monarch, the benevolent Doctor Doom, and we trust our beloved monarch. Necessarily! (Heck, it was part of his most re-election campaign: Trust Doom. You don't really have any other choice. And he won the election by a landslide, too! Of course there were no other candidates but still...)

Yeah, life in Latveria is pretty good. Heck, even the oppression's not so bad once you realize that you're pretty much in it for the long haul and have no choice but to accept your fate. And it could be worse, right? I mean, it's not like we all run the risk of some day being reduced to a nutrient and protein rich sludge by nanobots from another country or anything, right?


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